Household targeting & measurement.

Target the anonymous web using data that drives outcomes: conversions, engagement & ROAS. Measure campaigns and websites more easily and cost-effectively than a panel and get actionable insights—not just nice-to-know hindsights.


grey shell
grey bmw
grey omd
grey hsbc
grey lenovo
grey bayer
grey color vodafone
grey wavemaker

The data that powers Digiseg

Connect with Humans: Not cookies. Not content. Not devices. We segment people. The household is the primary consumer decision-making unit, our data identifies what your customers need.

No personally identifiable information, period.

Privacy is the future of digital marketing. And Digiseg has been built on privacy from day one. Our data is cookie-less. We don’t track, log, or sync user behavior.

blue lock icon

Target and measure all devices.
All Formats.
All households.

Cookie-free means the freedom to target  any  connected device. It also means unrivalled reach. Segment all devices including CTV and Safari.

pc ctv audio tablet mobile device overview

Where to find us

We are available in the buying platform of your choice.

See how brands are succeeding with Digiseg data

Our data has been used on 1000s of campaigns across the world.
These are some of the stories.
Top of the funnel targeting drives festival ticket sales
Gamers 8 is a global Esports, music and game development festival.
Mercedes-Benz, anticipating the cookie apocalypse - MIXX Award winner.
The Challenge Reaching a luxury automotive audience online is challenging, but reaching...
Royal Unibrew beer in glass ad
Food & Drinks
Wavemaker decreases Royal Unibrew CPV by 70%
Royal Unibrew is a leading regional multi-beverage company providing strong brands to...
Finance & Banking
How to scale retargeting with qualified traffic
Retargeting is one of the most effective ways to use data, but...
Automotive, B2B
Driving B2B Success: How an Auto-Parts Supplier Reached Their Niche Audience
A B2B success story delivered by Wise Digital & Adform for an...
gas station
Higher completion rate, cheaper CPV and lower bounce rate for gas station brand
SUNPET Sunpet is a service station brand of Opet, one of the...
Transforming Music Festival Advertising with Dynamic Measurement
Campaign Overview MAD About Digital (MAD), a digital marketing agency based in...
BMW steering wheel
CTV targeting at scale increases BMW purchase intent
Consumers are increasingly turning to CTV, moving away from traditional linear viewing.
doctor in uniform typing on smartphone
Health & Fitness
Medical care company uses cookieless data to beat retargeting CPA
The Acıbadem Healthcare Group is a Turkish healthcare institution, operating with 17.000...
Vodacom brand loyalty - household data delivers engagement and ROAS.
Relevant third party segments provide reach first party data lacks.
person in front of computer using visa card
Food & Drinks, Retail
Supermarket chain lowers CPA and increases conversion
The custom Digiseg audience segment delivered spectacular results, driving contest entries and...
robot lawnmower on grass
Home & Garden
Xaxis: Household demographics deliver lower CPL than Zip code targeting
Xaxis combines advanced artificial intelligence with data and proven expertise to optimise...
dog commercial for Bayer
Bayer: Finding dog lovers and reducing eCPC
Bayer is a Life Science company with a more than 150-year history...
Data-driven prospecting outperforms, delivering superior KPIs—CPA and CVR
Prospecting is a challenge for performance campaigns. It can require considerable investment...
hsbc omd campaign birdview beautiful bridge over water
Finance & Banking
How OMD drove both higher CTR and Viewability for HSBC
HSBC Turkey need to raise awareness for its new sustainable equity investment...
vodafone campaign wifi icon
How Vodafone reduced CPC and increased engagement for broadband subscriptions
Vodafone is a leading telecommunications company in Europe and Africa. Campaign Goal:...
Lenovo computer keyboard
Content targeting VS Household data - boosting viewability and CTR.
Combining the power of household targeting with a highly relevant allow-list delivered...
Home & Garden
BWT boosts key attention metric using cookie-free household data
Using the versatility of cookie-free data to begin with audience discovery and...
hand holding smartphone
Vodafone: Mobile Data and Calls – Digiseg Audience Segments Blow Past Campaign Goals
Vodafone is a leading telecommunications company in Europe and Africa, led by...
feet standing on white scale
Health & Fitness
Household data VS Contextual: More reach, more clicks, same CPC
Segmenting people instead of content created a significantly larger and equally qualified...
person typing on computer on table
Reaching professionals for mobile data, Vodafone increased conversions 3X
Vodafone used the power of household data to outperform its CPC goal.
car wash with shell logo in the corner
Shell beats retargeting CPC and CTR by focusing on car owners
The custom Digiseg audience segment exceeded Shell's expectations

Boost engagement – Increase viewability – Drive conversions – Deliver ROAS.

Our audience experts
will get you started

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We're ready to find the audience just for your campaign

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Our integrations and platforms are always expanding. So please let us know if you can’t find the integration you are looking for