Data drives campaign efficiency, delivers reduced eCPA for pet retailer.
Prospecting is a challenge for performance campaigns. It can require considerable investment to reach the correct performance KPIs. Using third party data that combines both scale and precision can deliver better KPIs faster than relying on optimization algorithms.
Campaign Goal
Increase online sales for national pet retail brand.
The Challenge
DinoZoo is Latvia’s largest pet retailer with 41 stores across the country and a growing e-commerce presence. The company has a loyal customer base but needed to expand the share of business coming though their e-commerce channel while reducing acquisition costs. Like many retailers, retargeting was at the core of their online strategy. But—as is often the case—targeting site visitors had both scale and cannibalization issues. Conversions were static, the e-comm customer base was not growing.
“Using Digiseg data really improved the efficiency of our CPA targeted strategies. The ratio of conversions to impressions was significantly better and we have shifted more budget from simple CPA optimized strategies to household data targeting”. Klavs Valdmanis, Lead of Digital, Sparta Media
The Solution
Unsure of the best way to move beyond retargeting, DinoZoo turned to their agency, Sparta Media, and worked with them to develop a comprehensive programmatic strategy with the goal of growing sales beyond the baseline number of conversions set by retargeting. To grow sales, Sparta need to attract new customers not just focus on existing visitors. In other words, they needed to prospect. Prospecting has a mixed reputation in performance advertising. It can require considerable investment before KPIs are met. But growing the number of new qualified visitors is a pre-requisite to boosting sales. Sparta’s challenge was finding the right new visitors with minimum wastage. To do this they used dynamic creative optimization combined with a focused data strategy that included Digiseg’s pet-owner segments.

The Results
Digiseg pet-owner segments outperformed both competing performance strategies. Household data was markedly more efficient with a CVR 237% better than retargeting and 440% better than a CPA optimization strategy without data. The effectiveness of the data also meant Digiseg delivered an eCPA 52% better than CPA optimization and 78% better than retargeting. Their campaign increased monthly conversions by 50% and reduced DinoZoo’s eCPA by 30%.