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Supermarket chain lowers CPA and increases conversion

The custom Digiseg audience segment delivered spectacular results, driving contest entries and more importantly grocery sales.


Higher CTR


Lower CPA


Conversion Lift

The supermarket chain Todis is the value-priced supermarket in the neighborhood.

Campaign Goal

Encourage online grocery shoppers to enter a contest to win a bike or scooter.

The Challenge

Prior to the pandemic, online grocery sales were enjoying a slow but steady increase. Once lockdown orders took effect, however, sales grew exponentially — as did the number of grocers wanting to get in on the game.

To attract customers to its online grocery and delivery service in an increasingly competitive sector, Todis Supermercato announced a contest for frequent shoppers: enter to win a bicycle or scooter. The supermarket chain tapped Digital Angel’s media planners to help get the word out to potential contestants and shoppers.

The Solution

During COVID-19 pandemic, Digiseg observed distinct shifts in consumer behaviors, including a keen interest in online grocery services that offered home delivery. We examined which households ordered groceries most frequently, and used that insight to build an off-the-shelf grocery-shopper segment as a part our #stayathome taxonomy, which Digital Angels then used for the Todis campaign.
The audience targeted people who live in cities and suburban areas, were medium to high-level tech users, and come from the top 80% of wealthiest households.

The Results

The outcome was a textbook success through the entire funnel
131% Higher CTR
54% Lower CPA
44% Conversion Lift

Boost engagement – Increase viewability – Drive conversions – Deliver ROAS.

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