
Can I target people speaking particular language in a given country?

We do not segment by language but most DSPs provide language targeting.

Related questions

We do not segment businesses by vertical. However, we do have extensive experience with B2B campaigns, so contact our audience experts if you have a specific request. You can contact us at

Digiseg’s business audiences combined with CPC or CPA optimization can be very effective.

We deliver custom audiences within one working day.

This is a list of our primary data sources: National Statistical Offices.

Our audience experts are available to help with any segmenting challenges. We have run thousands of campaigns since our founding and have experience with a broad set of cases. Get in touch We can help craft the perfect audience for your campaign.

Absolutely! We would love to help you and your client. Please contact and we can arrange to join your meeting.

Boost engagement – Increase viewability – Drive conversions – Deliver ROAS.

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