
When using Digiseg data, the reach estimated in my DSP is massive. Is this normal?

Yes. Digiseg audience data has unrivaled reach. Digiseg segments 70% of all digital impressions in your market. Our reach is substantially lager than any other data provider.

Related questions

You can use Digiseg in Adobe and Google Analytics through our Audience API. Contact support for more details:

This is a list of our primary data sources: National Statistical Offices.

Digiseg data is based on household characteristics which are an excellent proxy for “needs” and it can be used for a broad range of verticals. Popular verticals are Finance, Automotive, FMCG/CPG, Publishing, Insurance, Telecommunication, Gaming, and Health.

Digiseg has a deprecated integration through AudienceRate and some of these ghost audiences are still visible in the UI but they are empty and useless. If you would like to use Digiseg in DV360, please contact and order your custom audience. Your segment will usually be available within a day.

Yes. We can provide a pixel or a click url that can be attached to a completion event for a video and use it to create a profile of your most engaged viewers. Contact us to get a profile pixel.

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